May 2020 Flower Show – At Meeting

May 26, 2020

HORTICULTURAL: 2 entries permitted in all horticultural classes if different cultivars   

1. Tulip – 1 stem without foliage
   a) single   b) double    c) fringed
2. Narcissus – Trumpet type – 1 scape (see Note 6)
3. Narcissus Collection – 3-5 different cultivars-1 scape each, in your own container
4. Columbine – 1 stem
   a) single    b) double
5. Any other spring flower – 1 stem
6. Vase of small spring flowers – (5-10 stems) own vase
7. Any houseplant in bloom – max 10” pot
8. Flowering Branch – maximum 30” above vase
   a) lilac        b) any other
9. Four seedlings – same cultivar, your choice of container(s)

DECORATIVE DESIGN “Around the World”

10. Dutch Treat – a design
11. Taj Mahal – a design
12. Call of the Loon – a design with visible use of water
13. Japanese Tea Ceremony – a small design (see Note 5)

NOVICE (see Note 1)

14. Amazon – a design using foliage only


15. The purpose of this category is to EDUCATE. Therefore, the exhibit must include a display card which includes, at a minimum, the history, description and growing conditions required.

This category can earn up to 5 points as follows:

  • Quality of exhibit – 40%
  • Growing Conditions (sun, soil, water, etc.) – 20%
  • Description (height, spread, colour, etc.) – 20%
  • History (where did the species originate, how used, etc.) – 20%


Note 1
Novice Definition – an exhibitor who has yet to win three first place ribbons in the Decorative Design division in Standard shows (i.e. our annual show, District 15 AGM and/or OHA convention)

Note 5
Small Design – a design from 51/2” to 10” and which must not exceed 10” in height, width and depth, including any container, base, and/or accessories.

Note 6
Scape – A leafless flower stem arising from the ground. Each scape may carry a number of flower buds depending on the cultivar, eg. Narcissus